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Aviation Fuelled Motorcyclist

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Hang In There Folks...Summer's Comin'



As a warmup to the premier of the Why We Ride Film scheduled for Feb 8th in Uxbridge ON, here are a few clips to get your juices flowing and to shove you even further into a state of denial concerning our beautiful country's current frigid weather. :)

They were not taken from the film, but they represent three widely recognized motorcycling styles - Cruiser - Sport - Adventure. They were selected for their professional quality and they showcase top tier motorcycles in their respective sub-genres. None are meant to advocate one style of riding, or type of bike over another.


Off Road Adventure / Laos

Cruiser Lifestyle / Daytona - Parts 1, 2 & 3

Sport Fever / Isle of Man TT

Reminder & Disclaimer

Remember, CMC’s mandate welcomes all types of motorcycles, however riding safety is of primary importance, and the guidelines for membership and participation in this club include the adherence to all Canadian Federal & Provincial Highway Traffic Acts and associated rules of the road.

Also note that the above video clips are not the property of CMC, but have been collated from various YouTube sources. As such, please be aware of the following:

  • The CMC does not necessarily advocate the demonstrated use of the vehicles contained in the videos, or necessarily promote the views, opinions and attitudes of the individuals portrayed.

  • Please also be aware that certain demonstrations depicted in the video clips were completed under controlled conditions by professionally trained riders; and some conditions were, well....just plain nuts! All the more reason not to attempt some of what the clips show at home...or anywhere else for that matter. ;)


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No matter how many times I watch that Isle of Man video I get goosebumps every time!!!

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Totally know what you mean. Those guys have super-sized cajones to be participating in the TT spectacle.

It would certainly be something to watch up close though :)

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